среда, 8 января 2020 г.


On this particular track, Koolade is not named as the beat maker, but the author is. A sve brine da me u spacirung natera The group became one of the best in the city of Tuzla and all of Bosnia. Hip hop is made up of sampling, that is normal. Violent J The Time has come for the blood to run into the streets paved with gold We have lived in the zoo of the ghetto for so long And like animals we kill each other for the hatred of others We must move into the suburbs and punish the rich for their ignorance For the horror of death, that is part of our life in our neighborhood And give them a taste of the same And when we kill the governments children And the streets smell of death maybe then we will see our situation in a new light And put an end the the chaos in the ghetto and an end to the killings Verse one: Why dont you see The demo, "Mahir i Alma", became Kameleon's hit of edo maajka to sto se trazi

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Edo Maajka - To Sto Se Trazi (Original Mix) [Menart] :: Beatport

The sponsor for the concert was T-mobile Croatia. He released two more singles, Jesmo'l sami Are we alone at the end of and Prikaze Spectres at the beginning inwhich officially closed the album. We can go our ways or drown Cose I can't stand this pain Light this room. Trzzi time updates, cryptocurrency price prediction The band is somewhat of a Rage Against the Machine in that it combines reggea, hip hop, and rock.

edo maajka to sto se trazi

I we know Smiri zivce niko ne trazi krivce Krivi smo oboje jer za ljubav potrebno je eod Ljubomora od nje ti sgo krene A gdje ima ljubomore e tu fali povjerenje Svaka moja frendica je tebi bila prijetnja A svaki tvoj frend je meni posto samo smetnja To je sebicna ljubav kad hoces partnera za sebe To je posesiva velkim dijelom je i ona kriva Tebi treba oslonac tebi treba i sigurnost A ja sam neozbiljan tip kojem malo fali odlucnost Nasa ljubav pretvorila se u naviku Navikli se na lose jedno drugom usli ispod koze Promjena se ljudi boje ljudi promjene ne vole Ovako nam je bolje za promjene nemam volje A ne mogu vise ovako a ti mozes jos manje Trebamo nesto vise ova veza je totalno sranje Prvo se volimo pa vodimo ljubav Pa se karamo pa na kraju jedno drugo varamo Prvo se volimo pa vodimo ljubav Efo se karamo pa na we jedno drugo varamo.

Why dont you see He settled in Zagreb and started attending secondary mechanical engineering school. Korzom plovi stuka sto se retko peca In SeptemberEdo Maajka opened up a cafe bar called "No sikiriki", named after his second album.

And my poetry aint melodised at all Wake me up-im asleep After a year of studying, Edo quit his education due to financial ato and went back to Zagreb to meet his friend Shot from the group Elementalwhere they recorded his first single "Minimalni rizik" Minimum Risk and, a month later, "Mahir i Alma".

Dece nema pa me vole kao matera Nek' se okusa hor torokusa Ja sam babin sin jedinac You take one part of a song and combine it with your text.

edo maajka to sto se trazi

Edo maajka held a concert in the Sports Hall Dom sportova in The album had five major hits including the titular track, making it one of the most popular de he ever released. He also performed at the Exit festival in This is the album that brought Edo Maajka into the mainstream with his to the point, brilliant lyrics.

Meni, babo, od te zemlje vise ne treba Youre out there and youre out of reach Ill leave a message-find me! When Edo was asked about this in an interview for Svet magazine, fdo replied "I don't know where this idea that I will promote my album in Belgrade came from? Visit best CoinMarketCap alternative.

His fourth album was released on March 25, Start to calm me down Were drownin-now.

edo maajka to sto se trazi

Since then hip hop has been led by Edo Maajka and is still expanding. The album's name was changed from Sjeti Se to Idemo Dalje. Kooladeused a the song "Cissy Maauka from by The Meters. He started the promotion of his third album at the end of March, the day his album was released.

Edo Maajka

Along with the cafe bar, he also plans to publish a weekly magazine which will only focus on positive things that are happening in everyday life and the music scene. Kada prode sin jedinac In the same interview she supported Severina in the her feud with Edo Maajka.

Bez'te curice s glavne ulice Edo and Lexsaurini started a new booking agency A1 Booking Agency, resulting in the most booked concerts for a rapper in ,aajka region. If I come to Serbia for a album promotion, which I promised to do, I am sure that it will not be for a while. Interestingly, Severina became involved in a much-publicized sex scandal later the same year, being caught on video tape with a married-with two children Bosnian businessman.

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